about Bill's writing

These articles are some of the ideas, meditations, and other musings I have distilled from that glorious (and all too often, inglorious) enterprise we call life. Every breath we draw is yet another opportunity and point of decision– to either continue trudging along, looking neither right nor left (and certainly not up), or to fall on our knees in wonderment and praise of the One Who made life possible. The former choice is not really life at all, but a living death, as we merely bide our time, waiting until it's all over. The latter choice is where true and abundant life is to be found.

I found this true Life (or more properly, that Life found me) long ago, though it seems as a few days. The freshness of this Life is like a new spring day after a long, dark winter– tender, bright green foliage adorns the awakening trees, flower-buds burst into vibrant display, and the brilliant fragrance of a warm breeze captures the essence of daylight. It is good to be alive. 

I intend these articles to provoke thought, reflection, and wonder. I hope they can form for you the beginnings of serious conversation. While I originally encouraged you to leave comments on this blog, I have found Blogger to be very unreliable in collecting them. In the end, I have ended that feature because it proved frustrating for those attempting to comment.

Although I have little interest in whether you either love or dismiss the art of my writing (it is only a form and container for the substance), your thoughts, feelings, and consideration of the content I have presented are significant. If you find yourself either stewing or soaring from what I have written here, let that be the trigger for deep conversation with friends, family, or even the Creator Himself.

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